When it comes to treating vision problems, corrective lenses are the most common solution. However, before getting your hands on a pair of glasses or contact lenses, it’s important to undergo an eye examination to determine the condition of your eyes and the type of prescription needed. But did you know that there are differences between an eye exam for glasses and an eye exam for contact lenses? In this article, we’ll delve into the details and explore the nuances of these two types of exams.

Table of Contents

  1. What’s the Difference Between an Eye Exam for Glasses and an Eye Exam for Contact Lenses?
  2. Understanding the Comprehensive Eye Exam

  3. Cost of Contact Lens Exams
  4. Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Can I use my eyeglass prescription to order contact lenses online?
    2. How often should I have my eyes examined?
    3. Can I switch between glasses and contact lenses without another exam?
    4. Can I wear contact lenses if I have dry eyes?
    5. What happens if I don’t have regular eye exams?
  5. Conclusion

Understanding the Comprehensive Eye Exam

A comprehensive eye exam is crucial, regardless of whether you’re experiencing vision problems or not. This type of exam involves several tests and evaluations conducted by an optometrist to assess the overall health of your eyes. During a comprehensive eye exam, the optometrist will:

  • Check the health of the inside and outside of your eyes: assessing the health of the inside and outside of your eyes ensures that you will have clear, comfortable vision throughout your lifetime. It can also help to detect systemic health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, and liver disease.
  • Test your visual acuity: this test determines how sharp your vision is and whether you need corrective lenses.
  • Evaluate your binocular vision: binocular vision refers to the coordination between your eyes. The optometrist will assess how well your eyes work together to ensure clear and comfortable vision.
  • Assess the pressure of the fluid in your eyes:
    Abnormal fluid pressure can indicate certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma. By evaluating the pressure, the optometrist can detect potential issues.

Prescription for Glasses

During an eye exam for glasses, the optometrist will measure your visual acuity and assess any refractive errors. This information helps determine the strength of your prescription. A vision test, usually conducted using an eye chart, helps determine your ability to see at various distances. While online vision tests are available, an in-person eye exam offers several benefits.

Contact Lens Exam

If you’re considering contact lenses, you’ll need a separate exam specifically tailored to the fitting and evaluation of contact lenses. A contact lens exam ensures that the lenses fit correctly and that your eyes are healthy enough to wear them comfortably. During a contact lens exam, the optometrist will:

  • Measure the surface of your eye:
    This measurement helps determine the appropriate type and size of contact lenses that will fit your eyes comfortably.
  • Evaluate the tear film:
    Sufficient tear production is essential for comfortable contact lens wear. The optometrist will assess the tear film to ensure that your eyes have enough moisture.
  • Determine the right prescription:
    A contact lens prescription is different from an eyeglass prescription. The optometrist will use the measurements obtained during the exam to determine the correct prescription for your contact lenses.

It’s important to note that an eyeglass prescription cannot substitute for a contact lens prescription. Improper fitting or prescription of contact lenses can lead to serious eye damage, so it’s crucial to have a separate contact lens exam to ensure a proper fit.

Cost of Contact Lens Exams

Contact lens exams typically cost more than regular eye exams for glasses. This is because contact lens exams require additional tests to evaluate the shape and size of your eyes. Contact lenses are considered medical devices, and the additional measurements and evaluations contribute to the higher cost. However, it’s important to prioritize your eye health and invest in regular eye exams, whether you wear glasses or contact lenses.

Why Choose Rideau Optometric for Your Eye Exams?

When it comes to comprehensive eye exams, Rideau Optometric is your trusted partner. Our team of experienced optometrists is dedicated to providing the highest quality eye care services. We understand the unique needs of each individual and tailor our exams to ensure accurate prescriptions and optimal eye health.

With state-of-the-art technology and a commitment to excellence, Rideau Optometric offers a comprehensive range of services, including:

  • Comprehensive eye exams for glasses and contact lenses
  • Diagnosis and treatment of various vision problems
  • Glaucoma testing and management
  • Dry eye treatment
  • Medical eye care services

By choosing Rideau Optometric for your eye exams, you can expect personalized care, advanced diagnostic tools, and a team of dedicated professionals who prioritize your eye health. Schedule an appointment with Rideau Optometric today and experience the difference of exceptional eye care.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, eyeglass prescriptions are not suitable for ordering contact lenses online. Contact lenses require specific measurements and evaluations to ensure a proper fit and maintain eye health. It’s essential to have a separate contact lens exam and obtain a contact lens prescription before ordering contact lenses.

It is recommended to have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years. Regular eye exams help detect any changes in your vision and identify potential eye health issues early on. Even if you don’t experience any vision problems, a comprehensive eye exam is crucial for maintaining optimal eye health.

Switching between glasses and contact lenses may require an updated prescription, especially if you haven’t had an eye exam in a while. The prescription strength for glasses and contact lenses can differ, so it’s important to consult with your optometrist before making any changes.

Yes, there are contact lenses specifically designed for individuals with dry eyes. During a contact lens exam, your optometrist will evaluate your tear film and recommend suitable contact lenses that provide optimal comfort for your specific needs.

Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health. Without regular exams, you may not be aware of any changes in your vision or underlying eye conditions. Early detection and intervention are key to preventing potential vision problems and maintaining clear and comfortable vision.


Understanding the difference between an eye exam for glasses and an eye exam for contact lenses is essential for maintaining optimal eye health and ensuring the most accurate prescriptions. While a comprehensive eye exam is crucial for both glasses and contact lenses, a separate contact lens exam is necessary to ensure a proper fit and prescription for contact lenses. At Rideau Optometric, we prioritize your eye health and provide comprehensive eye exams tailored to your unique needs. Schedule an appointment with Rideau Optometric today and experience the difference of exceptional eye care.